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Maggie OConnor's avatar

Maggie OConnor

Don't Be Trashy


  • 0 TODAY
  • 246 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    packaging waste avoided
  • UP TO
    pounds of paper
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    pieces plastic cutlery
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic straw
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    waste audit

Maggie's actions


Mend Clothing

I will mend 3 items of clothing instead of replacing them with new clothing.


Week 4 Focus: Reduce and Reuse

Hold the Mail

I will reduce the amount of paper mail that I receive by 3.4lbs (1.5kg) a month or 41lbs (18.6kg) a year by opting into paperless billing, ending unwanted subscriptions and opting out of junk mail.



Skip the Straw

I will keep 1 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill per day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.



Assemble a Zero Waste Kit

I will assemble an eating-out bag with cloth napkins and reusable utensils, containers, and cups and use it to avoid disposable to-go containers and cutlery for 1 meals each day.



Support a Sharing Economy

I will support the sharing economy by joining a community tool or toy library.



Needs vs. Wants

I will adopt a "Needs vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.


At Home

De-Clutter Month

My goal is to declutter one thing every day. I don't have time to tackle a room, or even a closet, and this is true most of the time, so I'm going to keep a list of things to donate to ARC. My hope is this will get me into the habit and I can keep doing this until I'm decluttered!


At Home

Complete a Waste Audit

I will conduct a waste audit - including recyclables and compostables - to understand how much waste I create and where I can reduce the most.



Have a Zero-Waste Day

I will refuse all items that come in packaging for the entire day.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/28/2021 9:14 AM
    We are taking our month of declutter to ARC today - 8 boxes, 5 coats... and the room where we gathered all this stuff this month has passed from empty-ready-for-guests to chaos to empty-and-ready-for-guests. Now we can actually have a guest over! Hooray. I know the month isn't quite over, but the daily declutter worked much of the time, and then the catch-up-and-get-it-moved-out day also worked (yesterday's rain was well-timed). Yippee, now it's play time
    Week 4 Focus: Reduce and Reuse Hold the Mail
    Reducing your paper mail can be such a freeing action to take -- by reducing what is coming in, you can reduce what is going into the recycling bin, too. How does it make you feel? What is the next step you will take to reduce your waste?

    Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/25/2021 6:13 AM
    I've gone to Catalog Choice, Val-Pak & DMA Choice to opt out of things. Catalog Choice I have to wait until a catalog comes to get the info they need for each specific catalog but I bookmarked the site so that I'll be able to find it, put my passwords in 1Password so I won't forget - and should be set to cut out junk mail - yippee!
    On-the-go Skip the Straw
    Have you noticed a shift in your community as more messaging about reusable straws becomes mainstream? Cite some examples.

    Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/25/2021 6:07 AM
    Can't say I've noticed a shift - but I haven't eaten in a restaurant in over a year. I did get some take out and before I ordered said 'no silverware, no napkin.' The man taking the order nodded - didn't act surprised. The man who was handing out the orders turned to get said silverware and napkin but I was able to say that I didn't need them. He responded, "You don't need anything??!!!" I smiled and said no, he did as I'd asked but clearly was surprised. A teaching moment perhaps. Maybe the next time he'll begin to think of this as a regular thing.

  • Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/22/2021 9:06 AM
    So, I've realized I have 3 things I think I can repair and I'm writing this down so I remember, :o), what they are: 1. My favorite Bat Moose pj pants. Bat Moose you wonder - imagine a moose, wearing Batman's tights and wing-logo on his chest, posing in all the superhero poses. I love them. 2. My useful pink turtle neck - not my favorite color but it goes perfectly with a sweater my mom made some 35 years ago - it is like getting a hug from her (alas, she died many years ago), and 3. a terrific pair of walking shoes - soles still good but a tear in the fabric over the toe box. Not sure exactly how to do this (duck tape on the inside??? hmmm), but they are comfy, have a Vibram sole that protects my achy joints... a winner all around.

    • Jennifer Booth's avatar
      Jennifer Booth 5/22/2021 4:48 PM
      Maybe you could take the shoes to a shoe repair? Could probably be patched or stitched up!  I’m needing to do some mending and repairs too.
    On-the-go Assemble a Zero Waste Kit
    What items do you keep in your kit? What steps have you taken to help make this a habit and remember to bring your kit with you?

    Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/18/2021 6:05 AM
    We have had a cloth bag of to go containers since before the pandemic - the biggest trick was remembering to take it! Leaving it in the car helped. Restaurants never gave us grief about using our own containers - that was my (shy kid) fear. Now we will add napkins to use at a restaurant, whenever we do that again. And for takeout we've added silverware - but sometimes it is hard to remember to 'hold the silverware' (and straw, and napkin).

    • Anne Richards's avatar
      Anne Richards 5/19/2021 2:45 PM
      These are great! Yes, I am also finding it hard to remember to do the “hold the silverware”. Some of the to-go restaurants now have you add the silverware if needed, I think that’s the way they should all go! 
    Belongings Support a Sharing Economy
    What are the benefits of a sharing economy? How could a sharing economy change the dynamics you have with friends, family and/or neighbors?

    Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/15/2021 9:34 AM
    Share everything. Words that could guide every action I take in a day. Should I turn on the light switch? Leave the water running as I wash my hands? Buy convenience packed breakfast? A coffee at the cute take out place? Each decision - comes down to sharing, in a way. How much do I take (for granted - thinking not at all about who or what is not getting a fair share)? 

  • Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/08/2021 4:22 AM
    I'm working on letting go of something every day - so far so good. At some point in the day I remember, "I've got to find something to go to ARC, (or somewhere)." And there is a flash of excitement, and sometimes an 'oh shoot, what can I peel away??' Shoot might not be the exact word :o). I've added a thesaurus (I had 2, truth be told), a vest I love but never wear and can't imagine I will, some odd things I can't recall off hand but they went into the box I will take to the College of Art and Design, whenever they (hopefully) re-open their drop off place for things an art student might use for an art project.  
    Belongings Needs vs. Wants
    How is creativity necessary for practicing simplicity and adopting a needs vs. wants mindset?

    Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/04/2021 4:31 AM
    Creativity is like a magic wand. Plodding along, doing the same old, same old, easy, don't have to think path that goes round and round. But then there is this nigglle inside, a restless thing, catching my attention, and I follow the lead: write a story about a world that is mandated to share everything with the earth and every created being, or.... hem my jeans with a strip of cloth so the worn edges don't show... 

  • Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/04/2021 4:26 AM
    I'm on day 2 of my daily challenge to repurpose something, so far 2 things - a small cupboard (? not sure what to call it - 8 drawers in a little unit) and today a sign that says "Clothing Optional Beyond This Point" - ok, not my sign, my son's but he has declared he doesn't want any of his old stuff. Only 28 days to go!

  • Maggie OConnor's avatar
    Maggie OConnor 5/03/2021 5:16 AM
    I joined this challenge because I'm a waste-nerd, and wanted to cheer on Anne's team. Go Don't Be Trashy