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Welcome to the Zero Waste Challenge!

Ever wonder how you create so much trash at home? Many people are interested in taking steps to prevent waste and recycle more, but aren’t sure where to start.

Hennepin County’s Zero Waste Challenge will help you learn more, connect you with resources to help you reach your goals, and provide support and motivation along the way.

Explore the Challenges

Learn practical solutions to prevent waste and become a more thoughtful consumer

This challenge will help you take an in-depth look at the goods we buy and waste we create to uncover opportunities to recycle more and reduce waste.

You may be surprised by the variety of actions you can take. Repairing items when they break, buying clothes secondhand, shopping for food with less packaging, using your smartphone for as long as possible, and eliminating junk mail are just a few waste prevention actions.

A low-waste game-changer for past participants

Past Zero Waste Challenge participants have called the experience eye-opening and a conversation-starter, and said it both educated them and pushed them into action. Some even called it life changing!

Participants have cut the amount of waste they generate per person per day by nearly one-third. By the end of the challenge, participating households recycled, on average, 64 percent of waste generated, which is a big increase from 44 percent that they reported at the beginning of the challenge.

Everyone can now join the Zero Waste Challenge

We’ve had to limit participation in our past challenges. But the new online Zero Waste Challenge is open to everyone! So sign up, invite your family and friends to join you, and get ready to slash your trash.

Join the Challenge!