Kristin Lenz
- 50 TOTAL
Kristin's actions
At Home
Recycle Everywhere
I will add recycling bins to other areas of the house to make recycling easy for my household of 2 people.
At Home
Start Backyard Composting
My household will set up a backyard bin to compost our fruit and vegetable scraps.
Buy Used Clothes
I will buy 5 items of clothing at second-hand stores when I shop instead of buying them new.
Buy Used First
When I need something, I'll first look for the item used before buying a new product.
Shop Locally
I'll check locally for 5 items I need before shopping online to avoid shipping waste.
Join a Cleanup Effort
I will host or participate in a park, highway, river or other cleanup effort in my community.
At Home
De-Clutter My Home
I will de-clutter, clean, and donate or recycle unneeded items in my home.
Learn About & Practice Sustainable Fashion
I will spend 20 minutes learning about sustainable fashion and fast fashion and start applying what I learn to my own life.
Shop the Bulk Bins
I will purchase 2 products from the bulk section of a grocery store that lets me use my own containers to do so.
Support a Sharing Economy
I will support the sharing economy by joining a community tool or toy library.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?